Home News Solar storm lights up the night sky

Solar storm lights up the night sky


Britons marveled at unusual and spectacular Northern Lights sightings on Friday night, which were caused by severe solar storm This situation is brewing and is expected to continue in the coming days.

The Northern Lights (also known as the Aurora Borealis) don’t usually reach this far south. They are most commonly found in high latitudes near the Arctic. People in other European countries, including Denmark and Germany, also reported seeing the lights.

Onlookers marveled at the sight, expressing their surprise, joy and sometimes shock on social media.as one user wrote: “Aurora borealis? This time of year? This time of day? In this part of the country? Totally restricted to Edinburgh?”

Another onlooker posted:“But it’s really beautiful.”

The Northern Lights are also seen in North America, with some people reporting seeing them in Maine on Friday night. This happens when the sun expels material from its surface.

Current solar storms are caused by a cluster of sunspots – dark, cool regions on the sun’s surface. The cluster burns and ejects material every 6 to 12 hours.

Earlier Friday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center issued a rare warning about the solar outburst as it could disrupt communications and even power grids.

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