Home News Russia’s staunch ally and EU firebrand Orban visits Ukraine

Russia’s staunch ally and EU firebrand Orban visits Ukraine


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, one of the few European leaders to maintain good relations with Moscow, called on Kiev to yield to Russian demands and end the bloodshed. He arrived in Ukraine on Tuesday morning for his first wartime visit to the country. His spokesman said.

An outspoken critic of military and other economic aid to Ukraine, he enjoys his role as The Misfit Mr Orban said the EU and NATO Interviewed by Hungarian media On Monday evening, Trump said the visit would be the “first step” in promoting his vision to end the war.

The vision contrasts with a plan put forward by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose government has long said Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory before peace talks can begin. Showing no signs of backing downThe differences between the two sides further deepened.

Edit Zgut-Przybylska, an assistant professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences who has written extensively about Russian influence in Hungary, said of Orban: “He is trying to get out of the political no-man’s land of the European Union, and a more open approach towards Kyiv will be key.”

She said he could not “occupy Brussels” as he had vowed, despite Hungary’s recent takeover of the EU’s rotating presidency, and would have to find a different strategy to exert his influence.

Despite Mr. Orban’s public embrace of Moscow—including Meeting with Mr. Putin In Beijing, he told the Russian leader that Hungary “never wanted to confront Russia” and was “always eager to expand ties” – and Zelensky said it was important for the Ukrainian and Hungarian leaders to hold formal talks.

“We need to organize a constructive meeting because we have a common border, we are neighbors and we need dialogue,” Zelensky said. December After a brief meeting between the two leaders, Lively conversation Inauguration ceremony of Argentina’s newly elected president.

Zelensky said the two had a “frank” discussion and urged Orban not to oppose Ukraine’s accession to the European Union.

“I asked him to give me only one reason,” Zelensky said. “Not three, not five, not ten, just one reason, and I will wait for his answer.”

Orban told reporters after the meeting that he accepted the invitation to visit Ukraine, but with one condition attached.

“I told him I was willing to follow his lead,” Orban said. “We just need to clarify one question: about what?”

Orban’s motorcade arrived at the Hungarian embassy on Tuesday for a meeting with Zelenskiy, but the situation remained unclear.

“This visit does not mean that the Hungarian government will make a political U-turn,” said Professor Zgut-Przybilska. “Orban has been doing the peacock dance for a decade, and Hungary’s energy dependence on Russia will be stronger than ever.”

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