Home News Why tactics used by czars are making a comeback

Why tactics used by czars are making a comeback


But it’s certainly a popular tool today. A Human Rights Watch Report A report published last February documented 75 cases of transnational repression, allegedly carried out by more than 20 countries, including Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates.

iranian journalist Some people in London have experienced death threats, online abuse, targeted burglaries, surveillance and even stabbings.Amnesty International says Chinese students living in a “climate of fear” while studying in Europe or North America because of what they perceive to be threats, stalking, surveillance and other harassment from Chinese government oversight report on Monday.

Last year, Hong Kong leader Lee Ka-chiu said a group of pro-democracy activists living overseas would be “hunted for life” and offered a $128,000 reward for information leading to their arrests. Dissidents are accused of violating Hong Kong’s so-called national security law.

Centuries ago, exiling a difficult political opponent might have been an effective way to suppress their influence and suppress their message. Today, smartphones and social media mean dissidents abroad can communicate with extraordinary impact.

“For people who have emigrated, whether they do so for political reasons or not, they are more likely to continue to influence and become part of the public sphere in their home country,” Gracius said.

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