Home News Venezuela 2024 presidential elections: What you need to know

Venezuela 2024 presidential elections: What you need to know


Venezuela’s presidential election will be held on July 28, and its results will have a major impact on the future of democracy in the country and the future of the country. over seven million Venezuelans are leaving the country and contributing to a surge in immigration to the United States.

For the past 25 years, Venezuela’s government has been controlled by Chavismo, a socialist movement that began with the democratic election of Hugo Chavez in 1998 and has since become more authoritarian. After Chávez’s death in 2013, his protégé Nicolas Maduro narrowly won the presidency.

Venezuelan The economy collapsed nearly a decade ago, triggering one of the world’s largest displacements in Latin American history. The influx of Venezuelans and other immigrants into the United States has become a dominant theme in the U.S. presidential campaign.

This is the first election in Venezuela in more than a decade in which an opposition candidate has a reasonable chance of winning—albeit a slim and unlikely one.

The future of Venezuela, which has the world’s largest oil reserves, is also at risk.The country’s alliances with China, Russia and Iran continue to strengthen; and the trajectory within humanitarian crisis This plunged a once prosperous country into great misery.

It is clear that the election will not be completely free and fair.

Maduro, 61, controls the legislature, the military, the police, the judicial system, the National Electoral Council, the state budget and much of the media, not to mention violent paramilitary gangs called collective.

Maduro’s government has detained and imprisoned 10 opposition members since January. Five others have received arrest warrants and are currently hiding at the Argentine embassy in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital.

A proposal in the legislature would allow the government to suspend opposition campaigns at any time.Many Venezuelans living abroad No longer able Register to vote due to expensive and cumbersome requirements.

Even if a majority of voters vote against Maduro, there are widespread doubts that he will allow the results to become public — or accept them if they do.

If Maduro does relinquish power, it will almost certainly be the result of a negotiated withdrawal agreement with the opposition in which he may seek to avoid prosecution in the International Court of Justice over the charges. crimes against humanity.

Despite the obstacles the government put in place to prevent credible elections, it did allow former diplomat Edmundo González to register as a candidate representing the opposition coalition. Mr González emerged as the surprise opposition consensus candidate after the election of popular leader María Corina Machado. Banned by Mr Maduro’s government From running.

Gonzalez said in a joint interview that he was “surprised” when Maduro allowed him to register as a candidate, but still did not clearly explain why.

While Mr Gonzalez, 74, was unknown to most Venezuelans until recently, Ms Machado’s support for his candidacy makes him a viable challenger. Ms. Machado, 56, is a hugely popular former lawmaker who has been rallying voters for him at events across the country, where she received a rock-star welcome. fill city blocks With people make emotional pleas Save the country for her.

There are other candidates on the ballot, but they are not considered serious contenders.

All most Venezuelans care about is a legitimate opportunity to vote out the current Chavez government.

Opinion polls show that about two-thirds of the country oppose Chavismo and are likely to support any candidate who might challenge Maduro, whom they blame for the country’s economic collapse.

Venezuela’s economy plunged into freefall nearly a decade ago due to mismanagement of the oil industry, a crisis exacerbated by tough U.S. sanctions imposed in 2019. Soaring inflation has eroded wages and savings.

For years, Venezuelans have been scraping by, trying to feed their children on meager incomes, watching death of family member Prevent illness and wait in line for hours for gas.

Across this country, swarms of adults rummage through trash cans for discarded food, Long queue Soldiers stationed outside bakery to get basic food Angry crowds looted Grocery store. Emergency rooms are packed with severely malnourished children and babies dehydrated from a shortage of infant formula.

Maduro’s government and its supporters, who make up about a third of the country, blame foreign adversaries for the country’s woes, especially the United States, which they say is waging an economic war against Venezuela, according to the survey.

Reunification of families separated by immigration has also become a major issue given the large number of Venezuelans leaving.

The country’s electoral authorities have not released details of this year’s vote, but voting in Venezuela typically starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m., with results announced around 2 a.m. the next day.

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