Home News U.S. to provide protection for Assange if he is extradited

U.S. to provide protection for Assange if he is extradited


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States appeared increasingly likely on Tuesday after U.S. officials assured British authorities that he would not face the death penalty or persecution because of his nationality. First Amendment protection can be sought.

The assurances are the latest twist in the long-running legal battle over Assange’s extradition. Assange has been indicted by the United States for violating the Espionage Act by publishing classified documents.They are chasing President Biden’s speech last week The government is considering a request from Mr Assange’s native Australia to allow him to return there, prompting There is speculation that the United States may reconsider the case.

But after submitting the commitment, Last month a British court asked It comes as part of Assange’s five-year fight against extradition to the United States, suggesting U.S. authorities may still be seeking to deport him.

Assange, 52, was the director of WikiLeaks in 2010, when it released tens of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents leaked by Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. He has been held in a high-security British prison since the charges were laid in 2019. Before that, he had sought refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for many years.TOLL Ask questions about First Amendment issuessome consider them a threat to press freedom.

Earlier this year, a court suspended Mr Assange’s extradition Pending guarantee Regarding his treatment if sent to the United States, the judge sought assurances that he would not be punished because of his nationality, that he would be able to seek protection under the First Amendment and would not face the death penalty.

The U.S. Embassy in London said in a letter to the British Foreign Office that Assange, who is Australian, “will not be prejudiced on the basis of his nationality” and promised that if he is extradited, he will have the ability to seek “an extradition request”. Rights and Protections Conferred by the First Amendment.” The embassy also noted that “the death penalty will not be sought or imposed” in his case.

Following comments from Mr Biden and Mr Assange’s wife, Stella Assange. She said she was hopeful, but his extradition case had reached a critical moment. But she said Tuesday that the new assurances to the court did not ease concerns about how her husband would be treated.

“This diplomatic note will do nothing to ease our family’s anguish over his future – as he spends the rest of his life in isolation in a U.S. prison for his award-winning journalism,” she said in a statement. “The Biden administration This dangerous prosecution must be abandoned before it is too late.”

In a ruling last month, a British judge said that once the bond is submitted, a hearing will be held on May 20 to decide whether it is “satisfactory” and to make a final decision on Assange’s ability to appeal against extradition. .

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has publicly stated that he will discuss Assange’s case with Biden and urged him to consider releasing Assange. The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment on the latest assurances in the Assange case.

Charlie Savage Reporting from Washington also contributed.

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