Home News Tuesday briefing: Trump trial begins

Tuesday briefing: Trump trial begins


In his opening remarks, Prosecutors provide sweeping overview of Donald Trump case — a pivotal moment in the first criminal prosecution of a former U.S. president.

A Manhattan prosecutor told 12 jurors that the case involves a “criminal conspiracy and cover-up” of a sex scandal that threatened his 2016 election victory.He described Trump, his adviser Michael Cohen and David PeckThe publisher of the National Enquirer tabloid has a strategy, “Catch and kill” Negative stories.

Trump, who faces up to four years in prison if convicted, watched the proceedings from the defense table. He shook his head every now and then.

Trump’s lawyer insisted in his opening statement that his client had done nothing wrong. “President Trump is innocent,” he told the jury.

Peck was then called to the stand as the first witness in the trial. In his testimony, Peck explained how the Enquirer pays for coverage, a practice he called “checkbook journalism.” He is expected to return to the stands today.

background: The case centers on Cohen paying $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence at the end of her 2016 campaign. Prosecutors say Trump falsified business records to conceal his actions so he could be reimbursed for expenses.

learn more: register Trump on triala newsletter in which we track various cases.

Yesterday, Major General Aharon Haliva became the most senior Israeli official to resign since the Hamas attacks on 7 October. A symbol of the failure of the Israeli establishment to prevent the deadliest attack in Israel’s history.

His resignation signals that painful reflections on defeat are growing in Israel now that the pace of the war in Gaza has slowed.

Although Haliva’s resignation was long expected, it is still expected to increase pressure on other senior figures, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to account for their roles in October’s defeat Take greater responsibility.

During an election campaign, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called Muslims “infiltrators” who will take away India’s wealth if his opponents come to power. His comments were unusually direct and divisive.

Modi was referring to a quote once made by Manmohan Singh, his predecessor in the opposition Indian National Congress. Modi claimed that Singh “said that Muslims have the primary right to the wealth of the country. This means that they will distribute this wealth to those who have more children and to infiltrators.”

Modi used language like this while campaigning for third term Warned it could anger right-wing vigilantes They are targeting Muslims.

Pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk makes nearly all the key ingredients for its popular weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy at a plant in Kalundborg, Denmark. Now, the company plans to invest about $8.6 billion to expand its facilities there.

It is the company’s largest manufacturing investment in Denmark, and It happened in a small town with a population of less than 17,000 people.

Lived: Terry Anderson, the Beirut bureau chief of The Associated Press, was kidnapped by militants in 1985 and spent six years as a hostage. Died at 76.

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But according to some estimates, 3 billion trees are cut down every year to produce packaging. The convenience of online shopping may also encourage overconsumption. A 2015 study found that 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the production and use of household goods and services.

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