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Tuesday Briefing


At least On Sunday, 20 people were killed in what appeared to be a coordinated attack The attack in Russia’s southern Dagestan region was the deadliest to hit the region in 14 years.

Russian authorities have characterized the attack as a terrorist act, but it is not yet clear who the attackers were. Gunmen attacked a police station, a synagogue and an Orthodox church. Fifteen of the victims were police officers. One was an Orthodox priest who was killed in a church. It is not yet clear whether the attackers specifically targeted law enforcement officers.

The five attackers were eventually shot dead by security forces, officials said.

The attack recalled the intense violence that engulfed the mostly Muslim North Caucasus in the late 1990s and early 2000s. That bloodshed was the result of a combination of Islamic fundamentalism and organized crime. Suppressing that violence became a point of pride for Russian President Vladimir Putin after he came to power in 1999.

This heritage is now at risk of being destroyed Violence re-emergesIn March, four gunmen killed 145 people at a concert hall near Moscow. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

analyze: Sunday’s attack highlighted the enormous strain the war in Ukraine has put on Russia’s economy and security institutions, and brought into sharp focus the challenges facing Russia.

Recent comments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant suggest the country may soon Reduce operations in Gaza and shift focus to Hezbollah In Lebanon.

Netanyahu said in an interview on Sunday that after withdrawing from Gaza, “we will be able to move some of our troops to the north.” But Netanyahu stopped short of declaring an invasion of Lebanon, a move that would likely cost both sides dearly and leave room for a diplomatic solution with Hezbollah.

more than Extreme heat has killed 1,300 people That raised questions about Saudi Arabia’s preparedness during the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca this month.

Officials said most of the victims had not registered for the Hajj, a pilgrimage that allows pilgrims with permits to travel in air-conditioned buses and rest in cooling tents, while those without permits face little protection from temperatures that can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Saudi government has tried to limit the effects of the heat by adding shade trees and spraying cool water on pilgrims. But many relatives of the dead and missing have complained that authorities have not done enough to cool all pilgrims. It was not clear whether the death toll this year was higher than in previous years because Saudi Arabia does not regularly release the data.

Artificial intelligence is rapidly improving in creating realistic faces and photorealistic photos, fooling many people. But there are some signs that can help you tell the difference between real and fake images.

My colleague Edward Huang, who served as a China correspondent for The New York Times and later as Beijing bureau chief, knew his father had served in the Chinese military. But he didn’t know the full story until he was researching his new book, “Edge of Empire: One Family and China’s Reckoning.”

In 1952, Ed’s father Huang Yugen was stationed in Xinjiang, northwest China. There, he participated in This laid the foundation for China’s rule over the region. Later, after experiencing famine, he knew he had to escape China. He arrived in the United States in 1967.

“I marveled at how my family’s story stretched like a Möbius strip across generations and across Chinese history,” Ed wrote.

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