Home News Some Gazans call on Hamas to accept ceasefire proposal, but remain skeptical

Some Gazans call on Hamas to accept ceasefire proposal, but remain skeptical


Some Palestinians in Gaza expressed hope that peace talks could make progress after President Biden endorsed an Israeli road map for a permanent ceasefire and called on Hamas to accept the plan. But many remain skeptical that U.S. influence can help bring an immediate end to the war and their suffering.

After eight months of devastating bombardment, many in Gaza believe Hamas should make whatever compromises are necessary to end the war and begin rebuilding.

“I hope Hamas will accept the deal,” said Ayman Skeik, 31, a Gaza City businessman who has been displaced to Deir al-Balah in central Gaza. “But I’m still worried that there won’t be a deal.”

President Biden declared on Friday that Hamas is no longer capable of launching large-scale terrorist attacks against Israel and said it was time for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and supported A new plan He said Israel had offered to release the hostages and work to permanently end the war and rebuild Gaza.

Hamas said it had responded “positively,” but Palestinians have been in suspense for days about whether it would formally agree. On Tuesday, Hamas politburo member Sami Abu Zuhri accused Netanyahu’s government of not being serious about reaching a deal. He said Biden pressured his group to accept the plan “even though the White House knew the problem was” with Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — who still faces pressure from far-right members of the coalition who oppose the deal — neither publicly accepted nor rejected the proposal, but insisted Israel would not end the war without “destroying” Hamas’s ruling and military capabilities.

Like many other Gazans, Mr. Skaike said that Several rounds of ceasefire negotiations Previous efforts by the United States, Qatar and Egypt to bring the two sides to an agreement have failed, and Biden Recommended for February Although the differences between Hamas and Israel remain profound, a ceasefire is imminent.

“When the United States wants to prevent any crisis in the world, it always speaks toughly. But now, I see something different,” he said.

Biden’s Phase 1 Proposal The call for both sides to observe a temporary six-week ceasefire while negotiations continue to reach a permanent ceasefire terrified Skik, who said he feared fighting would continue after or even during the first phase if a permanent ceasefire was not achieved immediately.

“I want to go back to my old life,” he said at a cafe with internet access. But Mr. Skaike worries that Hamas will pick and choose words and delay negotiations, further hampering his chances of returning home.

“We hope that Hamas will sign this deal and maintain long-term peace and ceasefire so that we and our children can live in peace and security,” said Anas al-Borno, a 36-year-old Gaza City businessman who was displaced to Deir al-Balah with his family. But he added that he was “still hopeless and pessimistic” that both Israel and Hamas would agree to the deal.

Some praised Biden’s speech last week, in which the president laid out the details of the Israeli plan. The unusual act of representing another countrya move that appeared to be an effort to further pressure Netanyahu after months of U.S. warnings.

“I think what Biden said on TV was a sudden turn for me and many others,” said Ahmed Masri, a 21-year-old dental student from Gaza City. “The United States has chosen an unexpected path recently, so I hope it’s true and real,” he added.

But others are skeptical about whether it will mean much.

“The United States must impose solutions on all parties, not just propose and suggest ideas,” said Raed al-Kelani, a 47-year-old civil servant from northern Gaza. He added that while he believed President Biden could push Hamas and Netanyahu to agree to the deal, he was “only 50 percent optimistic.”

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