Home News Despite pleas from allies, Israel’s response to Iran attack appears inevitable

Despite pleas from allies, Israel’s response to Iran attack appears inevitable


State Department spokesman Vedant Patel told a news conference in Washington on Wednesday that the United States was pushing for a “unified diplomatic response” to Iran’s attacks and urged Israel to avoid “further escalation.” But he added, “These decisions are made by Israel as a sovereign, democratic state.”

Israel’s war cabinet has held multiple meetings since the weekend to discuss when and how to respond to Iran’s ballistic missile and explosive drone attacks, almost all of which were intercepted by Israeli air defenses and supported by U.S., Supported by Britain, France and Jordan.

Israeli officials allegedly Consider a range of optionsFrom direct strikes against Iran, to strikes against Iranian targets in countries other than Iran, such as Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps bases, to cyber attacks or assassinations, attempts are made to send a clear message to Tehran without launching a major escalation of operations.

“Israel will respond as it sees fit,” an Israeli official said on Wednesday, adding that it had “many ways” to do so. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military strategy.

Iranian leaders have warned that the country would respond strongly to any attack by Israel. “We will respond with more lethal weapons,” Iranian Army Chief Major General Abdulrahim Mousavi said on Wednesday.

Iran said it attacked Israel in response to the April 1 attack. Syrian diplomatic residence hit by air strikeAt least three senior Iranian commanders and four military officers responsible for overseeing Iran’s covert operations in the Middle East were killed.

German news outlets said Ms Berbock said it was crucial to prevent “a highly dangerous situation in the Middle East from turning into a regional conflagration” german news agency the report said.

“As the G7, we speak with one voice,” Ms. Berbock said after arriving in Italy on Wednesday for a meeting of G7 foreign ministers. “We call on all actors in the region to exercise maximum restraint.”

Cameron said the G7, including the United States, Britain and Germany, should work together to punish Iran through sanctions.U.S. and European officials said on Tuesday they were considering impose additional sanctions Iran may target its oil revenues and weapons programs.

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