Home News Returning from war, these IDF soldiers need new leadership

Returning from war, these IDF soldiers need new leadership


In the weeks following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, hundreds of thousands of Israeli reservists were called up to fight amid growing national unity. “I gave them 100 days to resolve this war, bring back the hostages and bring us together.” But after returning from the battlefield, some of the soldiers said they had had enough. “The current administration has not accepted any responsibility for the events of October 7 or their actions prior to October 7 and therefore cannot be expected to lead this country to a better place.” According to officials on both sides, the war is entering its eighth year In March, which has killed at least 35,000 Palestinians and about 1,500 Israelis, the soldiers we spoke to said they were committed to fighting Hamas, which they considered a war. The fight to defend Israel’s existence. But they say their love for the country has not translated into love for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition, a sentiment shared by most Israelis. “Saturday night is our day of protest, and then on Sunday morning I go to join the army.” Reservists have long played a key role in shaping Israeli politics. Anat Abel is a reservist currently serving at a base in southern Israel. I’m a part of this war, like there’s no other way to look at it. I fought in this war out of love for my country and my people. I am also against this government and basically everything they do. ” Anat was active in anti-government protests in 2023, one of the most divisive and tumultuous years in Israel’s history, as part of a massive movement against proposed judicial reforms. Now she’s taking to the streets again as she Said the Israeli leaders failed to meet at this moment: “First and foremost, I hope that the protests will lead to a hostage agreement. We need a government that has Israel’s best interests at heart. Like any war, it’s heartbreaking and horrific, but with no end in sight. Global sentiment toward Israel is at an all-time low. “Since October 7, my life has changed in many ways. The anti-government movement attracted people from different segments of Israeli society. Unlike Anat, Yehuda Lapian was protesting for the first time. “I started volunteering in politics when I was in sixth grade, Distribute leaflets about Netanyahu. I’m 37 – and he’s still here. He needs to go. “Yehuda has an Orthodox background. He recently completed 120 days of war as a reservist, serving in a frontline supply unit. “I will go back again in July. Sometimes I lose sleep because of the country I love and care about. The main agenda is to get the hostages home because we think the government is not paying attention to this.” Lapian supports the “Bands of Brothers” organization, Because, among other things, they advocate mandatory military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews, a move that some members of Netanyahu’s government oppose. “I protested against the creation of a new rule that everyone should enlist in the military. It was the morally right thing to do and that’s how I got involved. They were the only ones who really shouted that out and it was something that needed to change . ” Like Lapian, reservist Eitan Tugman said being in combat was what spurred him to take action. But for Tugman, working with others outside of the protests to form his own organization, Tikun, or Fix 2024, is a way to combat polarization and push for new leadership. Eitan said that historically, he supports right-wing candidates and voted for Netanyahu. But since the war broke out, he said he was looking for new leaders who could help bring the country together. Eitan is currently recovering from serious injuries sustained during the battle. While serving in the war and later recovering, he formed bonds with people with whom he had disagreed before October 7. But as ceasefire negotiations drag on and the war continues, Netanyahu may not face elections until the end of 2026. Anat was undeterred. , Yehuda and Eitan said they would continue to push for change. “Even though it cost me some friendships, I believe in what I’m doing.” “There’s been a lot of bloodshed in this little land over thousands of years, but I feel like if we have responsible leadership People, we can change this reality.”

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