Home News Preparations for global security forces to quell violence in Haiti ramp up

Preparations for global security forces to quell violence in Haiti ramp up


U.S. military planes loaded with civilian contractors and supplies have begun landing in Haiti, U.S. officials say, paving the way for a seven-nation Kenya-led security mission to deploy to the troubled Caribbean nation in the coming weeks.

But even as the security situation deteriorates and millions of Haitians go hungry, the military deployment, estimated at $600 million, is only a fraction of what is needed.

Biden administration officials would not say whether a specific date for the rollout has been set. The Kenyan government did not respond to a request for comment.

Over the past week, multiple flights from Charleston Air Force Base in South Carolina have landed at Toussaint Louverture International Airport in the capital, Port-au-Prince, according to U.S. Southern Command.

Contractors have flown in to help secure the airport and then build an operating base there for international security forces. More aircraft are expected to carry construction contractors and equipment in the coming days.

“The mission of deploying multinational security support to Haiti is urgent and we are doing everything we can to advance that goal,” Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian A. Nichols told reporters last week. Every day that passes is a lost opportunity to provide greater security for the Haitian people.That’s why we’re doing everything we can to drive this forward with our Kenyan partners.

The security mission was first approved by the United Nations seven months ago to help Haiti. Haiti has been ravaged by gang violence in a crisis that the United Nations says is pushing more than a million people toward famine.

The deployment has been hampered by a series of delays due to objections from Kenyan opposition lawmakers and Kenyan courts. Now, legal obstacles have been cleared for a 2,500-member security force, led by 1,000 Kenyan police officers, to travel to Haiti, officials said. Several Haitian gangs have taken over large areas of the capital.

More than six other countries have also pledged to send personnel in phases. The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Chad and Jamaica have also volunteered to contribute personnel to the force, according to the United Nations.

Benin in West Africa reportedly pledged 1,500 to 2,000 people, and Jamaica provided 200 police and soldiers. Submitted letters The Bahamas has voluntarily contributed 150 law enforcement officers to the United Nations who will focus on community policing and maritime and port security.

In March, dozens of members of the Canadian Armed Forces flew to Jamaica to train Jamaican officers heading to Haiti in peacekeeping skills and combat first aid. the Canadian military said.

Other countries have publicly expressed interest but have yet to submit formal letters of commitment.

Thousands of people have died in Haiti in the first months of this year. In late February, gangs that have clashed with each other for years joined forces to seize much of the capital, blockading key infrastructure such as the port and seizing entire neighborhoods.

Last year, more than 350,000 people were forced from their homes and millions more were unable to work amid rampant violence and indiscriminate shootings. Thousands of prisoners were released in late February as gangs attacked several prisons.

With ports blocked for weeks, ships were unable to dock and food supplies were reduced. After more than two months, commercial flights are expected to resume next week.

Gang leaders say they aim to force Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign and prevent international security deployments. Mr Henry stepped down and a presidential transition committee was appointed with the aim of appointing a new interim government and organizing elections by the end of 2025.

The Haitian National Police has developed plans and a timetable to take over all areas currently occupied by criminal gangs, Chief of the Haitian National Police Franz Herbe said.

“As a member of the great international community, our country cannot pretend to be able to solve its problems alone, especially when those problems may have consequences for the security of other countries,” Mr. Elbe said in an email to The New York Times .

The U.S. government has pledged $300 million for security missions but faces obstacles in getting Congress to approve the release of the funds. So far, only $10 million has been distributed.

According to the United Nations, only $18 million is available in U.N. funds to pay for the mission, most of which was pledged by Canada. But there are other ways to fund the mission, including in-kind donations, such as the $70 million in supplies and equipment authorized by the Biden administration.

“We really hope it happens as soon as possible,” U.N. spokesperson Stephanie Tremblay said. “We say this all the time.”

While U.S. officials declined to say when the delegation would begin arriving in Haiti, it is widely expected to coincide with a May 23 state visit by Kenyan President William Ruto.

“There’s no doubt they’re trying to make this a reality in the coming weeks,” said Jack Johnston, a Haiti expert at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington. “At this point, with all the planes landing, it’s clear that they will have people on the ground by the time Ruto gets to Washington, but that will be largely symbolic. It doesn’t mean that in two and a half weeks it will be A combat force will arrive on the ground.”

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