Home News Israel has used explosive drones in previous attacks on Iran

Israel has used explosive drones in previous attacks on Iran


Iranian officials said the Israeli attack on Friday morning was carried out by a small explosive drone, a tactic that would follow an established pattern of Israeli attacks on Iranian military targets.

As Israel targets Iranian defense and military officials and infrastructure, small drones — particularly quadcopters — have been a hallmark of these operations. Quadcopters are so named because they have four rotors, fly short distances, and explode on impact.

Iranian officials said the drones may have been launched from Iranian territory and that Iran’s radar system did not detect any unknown aircraft entering Iranian airspace.If the drone is launched inside the country, it will once again prove that Israel is capable of launching drones inside the country covert operations exist iranian territory.

The Israeli military has not yet commented on Friday’s attack. Although it rarely publicly claims responsibility for attacks against Iranian targets, drones have been used in several attacks in recent years:

  • August 2019: Israel sends one exploding drone Enter a Hezbollah-dominated community center in Beirut, Lebanon, and destroy machinery that Israeli officials say is used to produce precision missiles.

  • June 2021: A Quadcopter explosion One of Iran’s main centrifuge manufacturing centers outside Tehran, which purifies uranium and is used in the country’s factories Two major uranium enrichment facilities. Western officials closely monitor activity at these facilities for signs that Iran may be moving toward producing nuclear weapons. Iran claimed there was no damage to locations outside Tehran, but satellite images showed evidence of severe damage.

  • February 2022: Six quadcopters explode Kermanshah is Iran’s main military drone manufacturing and storage facility.

  • May 2022: The goal of the strike is Highly sensitive Parchin military base Just outside Tehran, where Iran develops missile, nuclear and drone technology. Iranians briefed on the attack said at the time that the quadcopter drone exploded and crashed into a building, killing one engineer and injuring another.

  • January 2023: drone attack Attacks on Iranian military installations in January 2023 resulted in big Bang It is located in the center of Isfahan, a city close to the air base that was attacked on Friday. At the time, Iran made no attempt to conceal the fact that the attack had occurred, but said the damage caused by the attack was minimal. Iranian state media reported that the drone targeted an ammunition manufacturing plant but was shot down by surface-to-air defenses.

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