Home News Iran and Israel appear to downplay significance of Israeli attack

Iran and Israel appear to downplay significance of Israeli attack


this Israeli strike The attack on a military base near the Iranian city of Isfahan was part of a series of retaliatory actions that alarmed world leaders, but the response from both sides on Friday was largely silent.

Television networks and some officials in both countries downplayed the significance of the attack, which was confirmed by Israeli and Iranian officials.

In Israel, officials described the attack as a limited response aimed at avoiding an escalation of tensions. Experts on the country’s morning news shows said the attack did not appear to have caused significant damage to Iran’s military installations.

Dana Weiss, foreign affairs analyst for Israel’s Channel 12, told viewers: “Israel can conduct elegant military maneuvers that do not make noise or cause significant military damage but communicate what Israel wants. “That’s what we saw them do.”

Iranian state television said military and nuclear facilities in Isfahan were safe and showed footage of the city appearing calm under spring light. A newscaster there described the attack as “no big deal.”

Iranian social media users, including some linked to the country’s military, derided the Israeli attack as a paltry response to the roughly 300 missiles and drones Iran fired at Israel over the weekend.

in a video A girl threw a paper airplane at an apartment building on Friday and compared it to strikes in Israel, giggling as the folded paper plane hit the concrete structure.

Iranian officials told the New York Times that a military air base near Isfahan was attacked. But Brig. Gen. Siavash Mihandoust, Isfahan’s top military official, told state television that any explosions heard on Friday were not the result of an Israeli strike but were caused by an air defense system shooting down “flying objects.”

The strike was celebrated by some in Israel, including elected leaders of the country’s right-wing parties.

Likud MP Tally Gotliv write on X”, “A morning when we raise our heads with pride. Israel is a strong and powerful country. “

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