Home News French far right wins in European elections

French far right wins in European elections


Ennahda has been in second place in the polls for several months, far behind the National Rally. Ennahda’s top candidate, little-known MEP Valerie Heyer, has not been well received by voters. The campaign seems lackluster, and Macron has tried to revive it, including Through an important speech in April When it comes to Europe’s future, this move has backfired.

The National Rally turned this election into a referendum against Macron. And it succeeded.

Macron has often portrayed himself as a bulwark against the far right — defeating Marine Le Pen twice in presidential elections in 2017 and 2022 — and his inability to stem the tide of support for Bardella on Sunday seemed certain to unsettle remaining supporters. Seven years in power have taken their toll on Macron, who upended French politics by becoming president at age 39.

National parties run for the European Parliament in their respective countries, but they join like-minded groups Once you get a seatThe National Rally is a leading member of Identity and Democracy, a strongly anti-establishment group with hardline anti-immigration views, while Macron’s Ennahda is a core member of Renewal Europe, a small liberal group.

In televised debates, Badla’s opponents like to point out that he He is not a diligent legislator in the European ParliamentBut the criticisms did not seem to register with voters, many of whom were more concerned with his frontal attacks on Macron than his poor performance in Brussels or Strasbourg, home to the European Parliament.

In his brief victory speech, Bardella was cautious but resolute. He said: “This historic victory of our party demonstrates the loyalty of French citizens to France, their love for its sovereignty, identity, security and prosperity.” He called on Macron to reconsider immigration policies, protect farmers and defend the country’s purchasing power.

“He was impeccable as always,” said Nadège Moia, a 45-year-old sales representative who attended the victory party at a conference center east of Paris.

Ségolène Le Stradick Contributed reporting.

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