Home News Enduring chaos: Images from third year of war in Ukraine

Enduring chaos: Images from third year of war in Ukraine


As Europe’s largest and deadliest war since the end of World War II enters its third year, the scale of devastation caused by Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine continues to grow.

The front line was reportedly a place of horrific violence, with hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers killed or injured. Conservative West estimate. The list of Ukrainian towns flattened by Russian bombs and artillery grows every month.

Russian troops advanced in small numbers and suffered heavy casualties, capturing Avdievka and other cities that Moscow captured in February.

Beyond the front lines, millions of Ukrainians spent hours holed up in bomb shelters while Russia continued to fire missiles and drones at military units and civilians across the country. Ukraine’s energy grid has been severely damaged and is functioning normally, but intermittently. Thousands of schools, hospitals and cultural institutions were damaged or destroyed. Millions of people lost their homes.

All the while, photographers for The New York Times and other news organizations recorded this war, capturing the experiences of soldiers and civilians alike. Our photographer said that some of the photos, never leave them.

This gallery contains graphic images.

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