Home News British police charge three men with assisting Hong Kong intelligence agency

British police charge three men with assisting Hong Kong intelligence agency


Three men have been charged with assisting Hong Kong intelligence services following investigations into arrests and searches across the UK, the Metropolitan Police said on Monday.

The three people charged under the UK’s national security laws are: Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, from Staines-on-Thames; Matthew Trickett, 37, from Maidenhead; Chung Biu Yuen, 63, from East Hackney, London.

“The foreign intelligence agency involved in the above charges is Hong Kong’s intelligence agency,” the police said in a statement. a statement.

The trio are due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday. As court proceedings are ongoing, UK reporting restrictions apply to prevent speculation about the case.

Dominic Murphy, head of the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism command, said the investigation was continuing. “While these crimes are concerning, I would like to reassure the public that we do not believe there is any wider threat to them,” he said.

A total of 11 people were detained during the investigation. On May 1, eight men and one woman were arrested by counter-terrorism police in Yorkshire, northern England. The next day one man was arrested in London and another in Yorkshire.

Eight people who were not charged have been released.

The news comes amid warnings from Chancellor Rishi Sunak that the country is facing its most dangerous years ever.

In a speech in London on Monday morning, Sunak described China, Russia, North Korea and Iran as a new assertive “axis of authoritarian states”.

“There will be more change in the next five years than in the last 30 years. I believe the next few years will be the most dangerous but transformative years our country has ever seen,” Mr Sunak said, adding: “We The country is at a crossroads.”

With a general election expected in the second half of the year, Sunak’s speech took on a strong political tone, seeking to draw a clear line between his Conservative Party and the opposition Labor Party, which leads in opinion polls. Sunak said Britain would become less safe if Labor leader Keir Starmer became prime minister.

“In the next few years, nearly every aspect of our lives will change, from our democracy to our economy to our society — to the most intractable issues of war and peace,” he said.

Labor campaign coordinator Pat McFadden responded in a statement: “The only way to end the chaos, turn the page and begin renewal is to change government.”

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