Home News Wednesday briefing: Biden’s plan to help 500,000 immigrants

Wednesday briefing: Biden’s plan to help 500,000 immigrants


President Biden announced sweeping new legal protections yesterday Married undocumented immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for many years It is one of the most sweeping actions a president has taken to protect immigrants in more than a decade.

Under the new policy, 500,000 people will be protected from deportation, given work authorization and a path to naturalization. The benefits will also extend to about 50,000 children of undocumented spouses, who will become stepchildren of U.S. citizens. Biden administration officials said they expect the program to launch by the end of the summer.

“These couples have been raising children, sending them to church and school, paying taxes, contributing to our country,” Biden said at the White House. “They have been living in fear and uncertainty. We can fix this.”

As soon as the news was announced, Trump’s allies immediately accused Biden of being weak on the border issue. House Speaker Mike Johnson said the president was “pardoning hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.”

context: Just two weeks ago, Biden launched a major crackdown on the U.S.-Mexico border, shutting off asylum pathways for people who enter the country illegally, and polls show Americans want tougher policies on immigration.

Thai lawmakers passed the marriage equality bill yesterdayThis puts the country on track to become the first in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

The bill will become law after being reviewed by a Senate committee and the Constitutional Court and receiving the King’s Royal Assent, which is widely expected.

Hundreds of supporters gathered in central Bangkok to celebrate the milestone.

detail: The bill says marriage is a partnership between two people over the age of 18, without specifying their gender. The bill also gives LGBTQ couples the same rights, including the ability to adopt children, apply for tax exemptions, inherit property and consent to medical treatment if a partner becomes incapacitated.

The US military built a $230 million temporary terminal to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza Basically failed Aid groups say the operation could end weeks earlier than planned.

Some U.S. officials say the pier was never meant to be anything more than a stopgap measure, but even its modest goals may fall short. In the month since the pier was installed, it has been in use for about 10 days. The rest of the time, it has been repaired after being crushed by rough seas, removed to avoid further damage or suspended for safety reasons.

arms: Two top Democrats approve Biden administration’s massive sale plan F-15 fighter This is one of the largest arms sales by the United States to Israel in many years.

in Korea, Friends and family groups Help each other save for big purchases. Each member of the group, called “gyemoim,” contributes between $10 and $50 per month. That way, they can save equally for vacations, meals, and other social events so everyone can participate, regardless of personal budget.

Life experience: Anouk Aimée in Claude Lelouch’s A Man and a Woman Died at the age of 92.

President Xi Jinping called on women to “play a unique role in carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation” by having more children.

We interviewed Three Chinese mothersEach of them is raising one child and says they don’t want more — no matter what their husbands say or what incentives the Chinese government offers.

“I divide my time, energy and money into different parts, keeping most for myself and the rest for my parents, husband and son,” said Joyce Zhao, 29, who works for one of China’s largest technology companies and hopes to start studying for the civil service exam. “I can’t let them take up all my time.”

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