Home News U.S. and allies punish Iran for attacking Israel and try to avoid...

U.S. and allies punish Iran for attacking Israel and try to avoid war


Guterres told the UN Security Council: “One miscalculation, one miscommunication, one mistake could lead to unimaginable consequences: a full-scale regional conflict that would be devastating for all parties involved and for the rest of the world. “The most dangerous moment must be the most restrained moment.”

But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would not give in to external pressure. On Wednesday, after meeting with his British and German foreign ministers, he announced that Israel would “take all necessary measures to defend itself” and “we will make our own decision“.

Iranian leaders have vowed in recent days to strike back more forcefully if Israel attacks Iran. Maj. Gen. Ahmed Khattarab, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which is responsible for protecting Iran’s nuclear facilities, reportedly said on Thursday that if Israel were to attack one of the sites, “the hand would be on to pull the trigger.” nuclear facilities. Iranian official news media.

Rising tensions between Israel and Iran come as the United Nations Security Council on Thursday weighed whether to support Palestine becoming a full member of the United Nations.

USA vetoed the measure, the only dissenting vote among the 15 council members. Twelve countries voted in favor and two countries abstained.

A “no” from any of the five permanent members would prevent the Security Council from taking any action. Of the five countries, France, Russia and China voted in favor of the resolution to improve Palestinian status, while Britain abstained.

At the United Nations, Palestine is currently granted Observer status is lowsuch as the Holy See.

But with Israel’s military offensive in Gaza killing more than 33,000 Palestinians and leaving many more homeless and suffering from extreme hunger, according to local health officials, some believe it is long overdue for the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state. The push for recognition comes as Israel is expanding settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli government strongly opposed the UN resolution, with its Foreign Minister Israel Katz calling it a “shameful proposal.”

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