Home News Traveling during a heat wave: Tips and precautions

Traveling during a heat wave: Tips and precautions


It will be another hot summer this year, with extreme and prolonged heat waves expected in many parts of the United States. Europe.

The suffocating weather is likely to affect millions of tourists and wreak havoc on holidays in some of the world’s most popular destinations. Several deaths of tourists have been reported Greece and Saudi Arabia The Middle East and Aegean regions experienced extreme heat in June. As weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable, even tourists who book trips to traditionally cooler regions may not be immune to summer heat waves.

Here are some tips on how to cope with the heat when traveling in hot areas.

If a heat wave is forecast for your destination, check government websites before you leave so you have enough time to plan and acclimate. During extreme temperatures, governments often issue heat advisories, warning people to stay indoors during peak heat times and providing resources to help residents and visitors stay cool. In the United States, the National Integrated Heat Health Information System Have a website Providing information and tools to help prevent heat-related illness and death.

To prepare for the heat, attractions will also provide important updates on attraction conditions, including any scheduled closures. Some cities dealing with heat waves, such as Los Angeles, Miami, Athens and Melbourne, have designated chief heat officers to prepare for the heat and lead the emergency response.

It may seem obvious, but spending extended periods of time outdoors when the sun is at its strongest can put many people at risk for heat stroke. Even if temperatures aren’t particularly high, excessive dry heat or humidity can make conditions feel hotter than they actually are.

Travel advisors are adjusting itineraries to schedule sightseeing for cooler early morning and evening hours and reserving tickets for clients so they don’t have to wait in long lines.

“We usually do activities and tours in the morning, then stop for lunch, and in the mid to late afternoon you either go back to the hotel and sit by the pool or go to the beach,” Real exploration, A New York-based travel company specializing in European tours.

Hiking in the afternoon is also not recommended. On June 5, British medical journalist Dr. Michael Mosley died while hiking in the afternoon on the Greek island of Symi when the temperature reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Four other tourists Including an American manmore than 200 people have died in Greece recently as temperatures continue to soar.

“I always recommend going hiking with a certified local guide and never going alone under any circumstances,” says Franziska Basso, a travel consultant in Milan. Dreamsteam Exclusive Tours“Of course, avoid the hottest times of the day. Go hiking early in the morning. And always stick to official hiking trails.”

Some cities in Europe, including Paris and London, don’t have air conditioning, so check before booking a hotel, restaurant or transport to ensure you have a cool place to escape the heat. Visiting museums or other indoor sightseeing is also a good option, but it can be crowded during peak hours.

Dehydration and heat stroke are the most common causes of hospitalization during heat waves and can be prevented by: Stay hydrated And limit alcohol. With meals, consider eating foods like melon, cucumber, and celery, as they help keep you hydrated throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you, and consider using umbrellas and portable fans to stay cool and shaded when outdoors.

While your schedule may be packed with activities and tours, the hot temperatures may take a toll on your energy, so consider following the European custom of napping and taking a nap during your day.

“I advise my clients to adjust their schedules to take advantage of the lunch break after lunch and then postpone their trips to later in the day when the weather is cooler,” Paper, ink and passport for travel, A luxury travel company in Pennsylvania. “There’s a reason Spain and Italy have been doing it this way for generations. Walking around in the midday heat and waiting in lines really takes a toll on some people.”

The National Weather Service recommends wearing lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing when outdoors because they reflect heat and sunlight.. Wearing a hat and applying sunscreen is also recommended to protect the face and scalp from harmful UV rays.

Just because it’s hot doesn’t mean it’s dry. Heat waves can bring heavy rain, so be prepared.

“My biggest advice to travelers is to be prepared — hot or cold, dry or wet, because you never know what’s going to happen,” said Laurel Brunvoll, Unforgettable tripa Maryland-based travel agency. “Bring layers of clothing.”

Even if you take all the right precautions, traveling during a heatwave can still be miserable, so it’s necessary to be flexible with your booking and purchases. “Cancel for Any Reason” Travel Insurance There is the option to postpone your trip to a cooler time.

Reasonable weather, The Los Angeles-based startup, which provides weather insurance for vacations and outdoor experiences, recently added heat protection to its coverage. Travelers who book through Sensible partners in the U.S. will be able to add daily protection, which will allow them to request a refund if the temperature exceeds a threshold typically set between 90 and 100 degrees.

“Our customers can still go on vacation, but if it’s too hot to be out at certain times of the day, you can stay in an air-conditioned room and we’ll compensate you,” said founder Nick Cavanaugh, who developed the product during a heat wave in Barcelona last year. For each day that a tour exceeds the heat threshold, travelers are compensated the average daily cost of the entire trip.

For more travel advice, visit our Travel Primer Tips and tricks.

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