Home News Monday Briefing: Xi Jinping visits Europe

Monday Briefing: Xi Jinping visits Europe


Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in France yesterday He went to Europe for the first time in five years. He will also visit Serbia and Hungary.

All three countries support the new global order promoted by China to varying degrees. Xi Jinping appears intent on seizing the opportunity to loosen the continent’s ties with the United States and create a world free from U.S. dominance. The visit is likely to be seen as a clear move by Xi to divide Western allies.

Shortly after arriving in Paris, he praised France, where President Emmanuel Macron has often made the Gaullist view that Europe “must not become a vassal of the United States.”

The chemistry between Xi Jinping and Macron – who visited China more than a year ago and echoed China’s “multipolar” world, moving away from the vocabulary of “blocs” – appears to share the view that post-war Order must be replaced. Xi hopes to curry favor with leaders who are frustrated by U.S. dominance, see China as a counterweight and are eager to strengthen economic ties.

analyze: An expert on French relations with China said: “Macron is trying to carve out a third way in the current global chaos.”

What’s next: Tomorrow, Xi Jinping will go to Serbia. His arrival coincides with the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. The errant attack killed three Chinese journalists and sparked protests around the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, for which the White House apologized.

Netanyahu accused Al Jazeera, which has long had tense relations with Israel, of undermining Israel’s national security and inciting violence against Israeli soldiers. Israeli officials did not immediately provide examples of content that Israel considered a threat.

Al Jazeera called the decision a “criminal act” in a statement in Arabic, adding that “Israel’s crackdown on press freedom to cover up its crimes does not stop us from fulfilling our responsibilities.” The news organization condemned This act of closure. Israel has been discussing this for weeks as a blow to press freedom.

context: Al Jazeera, the main news source in the Arab world, has provided extensive coverage of Gaza and highlighted the suffering of the war.

Other updates:

Three Indian men have been arrested and charged with killing Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was shot dead in Canada last June, Canadian police said on Friday.

arrests Little is left to uncover the mystery of the killings, sparking a diplomatic conflict and leading Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to bluntly accuse India of orchestrating the murder. Canadian police provided no evidence to support his claims but said an investigation was ongoing into India’s role in Nijar’s death.

bet: Analysts said the allegation, if confirmed, could indicate that India’s external spy agency, the Research and Analysis Wing, is now expanding its strategy of working with criminals to carry out operations in Western countries.

This year, Taiwan’s large-scale Mazu worship event attracted a record number of participants. Many are young people who want to keep the old traditions alive.

“They are proud of their culture. They are proud of being Taiwanese,” said Chris Buckley, a Taipei correspondent for The New York Times. explained in video. “So what you find is that this kind of pilgrimage might start out as a social event or a cultural tour, but it actually has a much deeper meaning to a lot of people.”

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Cheaply made, assembled at will Drones key to Myanmar rebel battle. Resistance forces are getting creative, using instructions crowdsourced online, parts ordered from China and wires repurposed from drones used in agriculture.

During all of this, their power was going out.

Drones have changed the course of the fight against the military junta, which came to power in a 2021 coup. Simply by circling and scaring soldiers into fleeing, they helped the rebels seize military outposts and were able to launch a full-scale offensive into junta-controlled areas, targeting police stations and bases.

Myanmar’s militants are not alone: ​​Cheap consumer drones are transforming conflicts from Ukraine and Yemen to Sudan and Gaza. The world’s ill-equipped militaries often learn from each other, teaching each other to hack the default software on commercial drones that can reveal their location, or sharing 3D printing blueprints.

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