Home News Israel’s cabinet votes to shut down Al Jazeera’s operations in the country

Israel’s cabinet votes to shut down Al Jazeera’s operations in the country


Demonstrations took place in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Saturday, demanding a deal to release hostages held by Hamas.Credit…Amir Levy/Getty Images

A group representing the families of Israeli hostages in Gaza expressed concern on Sunday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure from hardline members of his ruling coalition, is trying to delay or even derail a deal that could lead to a ceasefire. fire and release prisoners held by Hamas.

A major sticking point in the talks is that Hamas has been demanding that Israel commit to ending its seven-month military offensive in Gaza and abandoning plans to invade Hamas’ last stronghold of Rafah in the south of the enclave, while Israel has been unwilling to declare a move, according to officials. said, such a concession.

In discussions in Cairo brokered by the United States, Qatar and Egypt, negotiators have been trying to leave some room for ambiguity in the early stages of a three-phase deal that would satisfy both sides.

But on Saturday, the Israeli government issued two statements to reporters, one from an unnamed “political official,” saying that contrary to reports, Israel would not agree to end the war as part of the deal. It added that it would not allow mediators to provide Hamas with guarantees about an end to the war, while accusing Hamas of undermining any possibility of an agreement by insisting on its demands.

Several Israeli journalists who received the statements said they came directly from the prime minister’s office, violating government confidentiality rules.

Prominent political columnist Nahum Barnea said in a column in the Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot on Sunday that he believed the statements were “aimed at destroying the chances of an agreement “.

The Hostage Families Forum, an Israeli NGO that lobbies for the release of hostages and supports their families, said in a statement on Sunday it was “shocked” to hear the comments. The group called on Mr Netanyahu to “ignore all political pressure”, “exercise leadership” and “show courage”.

Bania said he believed there was no deal on the table if Hamas, mediators and far-right members of the government could convince Netanyahu “that there is no need to decide on an agreement.”

Netanyahu strongly denied the accusations on Sunday and said in a longer statement on his own behalf that Hamas was the party blocking the deal. “Israel was and still is prepared to suspend the fighting in order to free our hostages,” he said.

While details of a potential deal are still being discussed, Egypt has been pushing for a proposal widely approved by Israeli negotiators that would begin with a six-week truce during which 33 of Gaza’s most vulnerable people detained The hostages will be released. to free hundreds of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel.

Israel will allow hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinian civilians to return to northern Gaza with few restrictions, officials said, previously a major sticking point for Israel.

Senior Hamas official Hussam Badran said on Saturday that the group’s representatives had arrived in Cairo and were “extremely positive” about the latest proposal. But Hamas officials told Arab news outlets that issues including a permanent ceasefire and a full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza remain unresolved. As of early Sunday, there was still no sign that Hamas had accepted the deal.

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