Home News Iran’s 2024 presidential election: What you need to know

Iran’s 2024 presidential election: What you need to know


Iran’s next presidential election will be held on June 28, a year ahead of schedule, after President Ibrahim Raisi Died in a helicopter crash The election will bring in new leadership to the Islamic republic amid domestic discontent, voter apathy and regional unrest.

While Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has the final say on all state affairs, Iran’s president sets domestic policy and has some influence over foreign policy.

The election gives Iran’s leadership a chance to show it can handle a disaster like the unexpected death of its president without destabilizing the country, even as it grapples with internal protests and strained relations with the United States and Israel.

The election also served as a reminder by the leadership that, while Iran is a theocracy, it also holds elections for government posts such as the president, members of parliament and parliament.

Still, who is eligible to run for president is tightly controlled. If, as expected, a conservative candidate with close ties to the clerical leadership wins, the government will likely claim it as a victory for its brand of politics — even though competition is strictly limited.

Iran’s elections are not free or fair by most Western standards or the views of human rights groups. Presidential candidates are subject to a rigorous vetting process by the Guardian Council, a panel of 12 jurists and clerics.

In this election, parliament narrowed the list of 80 candidates to 6. The disqualified candidates included 7 women, a former president, and several government officials, parliamentarians and ministers.

All but one are political conservatives and support clerical rule. Iranian conservatives are also deeply wary of Western values ​​and morals, while reformists tend to be more flexible in regulating social behavior and more engaged with Western countries.

The conservatives include the current speaker of parliament, General Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, a former mayor of Tehran, a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, and two unsuccessful bids for the presidency. Ghalibaf, who is close to Khamenei, has faced charges of corruption and ideological hypocrisy, which he denies.

Other conservatives include Alireza Zakani, the current mayor of Tehran; Sayyid Jalilia former chief nuclear negotiator and an ultra-conservative; Mustafa Pourmohammadi, a cleric and former head of counterintelligence; and Amirhussein Ghazizad al-Hashimi, one of Raisi’s vice presidents.

The conservative candidate took the unusual step of Public criticism of the government A major campaign to address the country’s economic woes, foreign policy missteps and civil unrest has been hyped in an effort to win support from voters who are increasingly dissatisfied and alienated with the country’s clerical leadership.

The lone reformist candidate is Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian, who is from the Azerbaijani minority. He is trained as a heart surgeon and has served in parliament and as health minister. Experts say his inclusion is likely part of a government plan to boost turnout, which the government sees as a way to increase the legitimacy of the election and potentially bring reformists back to the polls after they boycotted parliamentary elections in March.

“They may have bet incorrectly that this is someone who could generate enough public interest in the political process,” said Ray Takeyh, an Iran expert and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The economy, U.S.-led sanctions and women’s rights are at the heart of the election, as Iranians grapple with a government seen by many as ineffective and incapable of meaningful change.

However, sanctions imperfectExperts believe that economic difficulties are closely related to other discontents, including the public’s perception that the government promotes sanctity but Brutal treatment of women.

“Corruption is very annoying among the people, but it seems to be more acceptable within the regime,” Taki said. “There is a disconnect. The people are financially strapped, suffering from inflation and unemployment. These people are driving around in BMWs. This is not a good thing for a holy republic.”

The June 28 special presidential election falls within the 50-day deadline stipulated in Iran’s constitution after Raisi’s death, during which a new president must be elected.

The votes could be counted by June 30, but if no candidate wins a majority, the top two candidates will go into a runoff, which could extend the election.

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