Home News Friday briefing: Hamas considers Israeli proposal

Friday briefing: Hamas considers Israeli proposal


The leader of Hamas’s political wing said the organization Studying Israel’s Latest Deal Proposal In a “positive spirit”, the group will soon participate in a new round of talks in Cairo. His announcement brought hope to the stalled effort.

The proposal, pushed by the United States in recent days, would include a week-long temporary truce – the exact duration of which is unclear – and the release of hostages held by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners in Israel. It would also allow civilians to return to northern Gaza and enable increased aid to the territory.

in israelAccording to Israeli officials, the war cabinet met to discuss ceasefire negotiations and plans to invade Rafah. According to Israeli officials, about one million people have taken refuge in Rafah. The United States has repeatedly urged Israel to abandon an expected offensive, which appears to be a sticking point in ceasefire talks. If things go well, Hamas promises to end the negotiations immediately.

American campus: President Biden Condemning violence at universities All over the country. Americans “have the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos,” he said. He rejected the idea of ​​sending in the National Guard, suggested by some Republicans.

The United States accuses Russia of using Chemical weapons, including poison gas, targeted at Ukrainian troops. This would violate the Chemical Weapons Convention, an arms control treaty ratified by more than 150 countries, including Russia.

The U.S. State Department said Russia deployed tear gas and chloropicrin, a “suffocating agent” widely used during World War I. The State Department added that the use of these chemical weapons “was not an isolated incident” and was likely driven by Russian forces trying to dislodge Ukrainian soldiers from entrenched positions.

Since the invasion began in February 2022, Ukrainian authorities have reported approximately 1,400 cases of suspected Russian use of chemical weapons on the battlefield.

Britney Griner: The American basketball star, who has been detained in Russia for nearly a year, is publishing a book about her ordeal. In an interview, Griner discussed her experience in a Russian prison. “i will never forget anything” she says.

security forces and protesters Violent clashes broke out in Tbilisi late Wednesday nightIn Georgia’s capital, Congress approved a divisive new bill in the second of three necessary votes.

Critics call it “Russian law.”They say it could be used to stifle dissent, align the country more closely with Russia and hinder its efforts to join the European Union

The draft law is similar to those used by the Kremlin against opposition groups and media organizations. Among other restrictions, it would require groups that receive significant foreign funding to register as organizations “carrying the interests of foreign powers.”

The United States and China may have recently disagreed over Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Taiwan issue, China’s cheap exports and human rights issues, But at least “panda diplomacy” is back. Beijing said it would send two giant pandas – Yunchuan and Xinbao – to the San Diego Zoo.

Scientists warn that rising global temperatures could push the Amazon to collapse in the coming decades unless deforestation is halted and an area the size of Germany is restored.

But the cattle industry, which has dominated the region for decades, is the main cause of deforestation.So, some companies are trying to make tree planting More profitable than beef By monetizing its ability to lock in the carbon that contributes to planet warming.

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