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Friday briefing


Israel attacks Iran According to two Israeli defense officials, this early morning appeared to be the country’s first military response to last weekend’s attacks by Iran.

Three Iranian officials confirmed that a military air base near the central Iranian city of Isfahan was attacked early on Friday, but did not say which country carried out the attack.

Less than a week after the explosion Iran fires more than 300 missiles and drones at Israelthe first direct attack on the country in response to Israel attacks Iranian diplomatic compound in Syria On April 1, seven Iranian officials were killed.

Israeli leaders have threatened for days to respond to Iranian attacks, turning a years-long shadow war between the two countries into a direct confrontation. The attack came after the United States and European allies imposed new sanctions on Iran’s military leaders and weapons manufacturers, while imploring Israel not to risk a wider war by retaliating too strongly.

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Voting begins today in India’s multi-phase election, where hundreds of millions of people will vote to decide whether the country’s powerful Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins a third term.

The vote is seen as a referendum on Modi’s economic record and his vision for an increasingly centralized, Hindu-first India. The election will last until June 1, Results are expected to be announced on June 4.

My colleague Amelia Nirenberg talks with South Asia Bureau Chief Mujib Mashal.

What are the chances of Modi winning?

Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party-led alliance hold an absolute majority. Despite the anti-incumbency sentiment in India’s elections, Modi is different – his personal appeal is huge. He is very popular. He basically rules as a single person, without regular parliamentary discussions and debates.

However, there is always an element of surprise in Indian elections. This is especially true because Modi controls media and information so tightly that you may never know exactly what may be happening on the ground.

What does Modi stand for?

He believes that his ten-year tenure has enhanced India’s standing on the global stage. He said India was emerging as an economic and diplomatic power and he was helping to inject some ambition into the country.

And many people say that Modi’s 10 years have brought a certain stability to the country. But India’s rise also comes with contradictions. While it is growing as an economic and diplomatic power, growth has been highly unequal. The economy is not creating enough jobs for its large young population, and hundreds of millions of people remain at the mercy of government rationing.

Many of his speeches still followed religious lines. He combined economic and development demands with strong demands for Hindu nationalism and Hinduism.

how so?

Modi wants India to become a developed country. He also wanted it to develop along the lines of a Hindu nationalist vision.

He wraps it all up in a simple narrative: He is helping India rise. For him and his party, India’s identity is directly linked to the idea of ​​Hindutva.

What is the opposition’s strategy?

Their remarks were mainly critical of Modi. But beyond the fact that Modi is increasingly authoritarian, that he is pursuing a politics of communal hatred, and that Modi favors his billionaire friends, they are also struggling for ideological clarity.

How are people feeling about this election?

The pride in voting is huge – people celebrate the process and the turnout clearly shows that. However, there is a growing consensus that voting itself is overemphasized and that democracy is about more than just voting. It also happens when a strongman like Modi uses his popularity to reshape democracy among votes.

A new study shows that as China’s cities grow, they are sinking, with Beijing and Tianjin among the fastest sinking cities.

In 100 years, a quarter of China’s urban coastal land may be below sea level due to the combined effects of land subsidence and sea level rise.The key is Minimize damage by pumping groundwaterthe researchers said.

Lived: Dickey Betts had a heated exchange with Duane Allman as guitarist for the Allman Brothers Band. He died at the age of 80.

When the heavyweights clash: analyze Real Madrid’s victory More than Manchester City.

Conditionally accepted: Chelsea’s Lauren James Suffer further racist abuse online.

You don’t need to name a Keith Haring photo to recognize it; its vibrating lines and electric color palette are actually neon signs.

Haring’s view was that art should be accessible to as many people as possible, and he correctly recognized that the place where most people encountered art was not in galleries but on the streets and in shops.Where you are most likely to encounter Art in Harlem now is still not a museum, but a mallwhich he did himself.

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