Home News Amal Clooney among experts consulted on ICC search warrants

Amal Clooney among experts consulted on ICC search warrants


Amal Clooney revealed on Monday that she had reviewed the ICC prosecutor’s investigation that led to the investigation of three Hamas leaders and two Israeli leaders – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galante requested an arrest warrant.

Ms. Clooney is a prominent British lawyer who specializes in international law and human rights. She has appeared before the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, represent victims Mass atrocities.

she has been criticized socially media Because there is no talk about Israel’s war with Hamas. She said in a statement on Monday that she was part of an eight-person panel of legal and academic experts convened by the ICC in January at the request of prosecutor Karim Khan to examine his role in possible criminal prosecution. Investigation of crimes under the conflict.

As part of the investigation, the panel was asked to determine whether the prosecutor’s arrest warrant application met ICC standards. Specifically, the panel was asked whether it had “reasonable grounds to believe” that the person named in the warrant application had committed crimes within the court’s jurisdiction, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The panel agreed that there was a case for this, and publish report Their findings were detailed Monday.ms clooney said in a statement The panel “conducted an extensive review of the evidence and legal analysis” before reaching its decision.

“The laws that protect civilians in war were created over 100 years ago and apply to every country in the world, regardless of the cause of the conflict,” Ms Clooney said. “As a human rights lawyer, I will never accept that one child’s life is worth less than another child’s life.”

Like the United States, Israel is not a signatory to the international treaty that created the court and does not accept the court’s jurisdiction. But Ms. Clooney said, “I don’t think any conflict should be outside the law, nor do I think any perpetrator should be above the law.”

Ms Clooney is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers in London, a group of lawyers specializing in human rights, and is an adjunct professor at Columbia Law School in New York City. She also co-founded the Clooney Justice Foundation with her husband, actor George Clooney, a non-profit organization that provides free legal support to victims of human rights abuses.

September 2021, She was appointed by Mr Khan as a special adviser in Sudan’s Darfur region, which is experiencing civil war. leading to humanitarian crisis U.N. officials called it one of the worst conditions in decades.

Members of the panel convened to consider the arrest warrants in the Israel and Hamas cases include Adrian B. Fulford, a former judge of the International Criminal Court and a retired judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales; Theodore Theodor Meron is a Holocaust survivor, former Israeli official, and former judge of the International Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.


in a The Financial Times published an op-edThe panelists said they “hope this process will help strengthen the protection of civilians and achieve sustainable peace in a region that has already experienced so much suffering.”

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