Home News 1899: No more exile in Siberia

1899: No more exile in Siberia


British stone. PETERSBURG – A proposal to abolish the transport of criminals to Siberia is under consideration. The Tsar acted upon the matter with the following considerations in mind.

It turned out that the system of transporting criminals to Siberia, the more people settled there voluntarily, the worse it was for Siberia itself. With the improvement of transportation means, transportation has gradually lost its punitive nature, while the harm caused by exiled criminals to the country has increased year by year.

The abolition of transportation and hard labor had attracted the attention of Emperor Alexander II. Thirdly, the Tsar considers the matter to be a legacy of his predecessor, and he yesterday ordered the establishment of a committee to consider another punishment in place of the transport.

——”New York Herald”, European edition, May 21, 1899

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